Top Benefits of DevOps: What do you Need to Know as a CIO

Wings Tech Solutions
2 min readMar 25, 2022


Adapting to the demands of today’s dynamic market climates, customer demands, and competition requires today’s businesses to be agile enough to offer flawless digital solutions. DevOps is quickly becoming the requisite method for delivering business value continuously and efficiently to customers, as enterprise services, product offerings, and applications are elaborate.

Some leaders can have difficulty understanding DevOps in its entirety (including me). Too often, enterprises fail to see DevOps as a lucrative, business-driven software delivery system because of a lack of understanding.

CIOs are tapping into many advantages with the ever-rising use of DevOps.

Fast and agile: Agile products and processes are finally possible for enterprises. The time is taken by an organization to identify an additional application need and deploy it has diminished greatly. In order to provide its customers with fast and smooth services, enterprises must be constantly on the go. In order to deliver value to the customer, the organization’s people must be armed with robust, immediate apps. The adoption of DevOps is an excellent way to achieve this goal.

Flexible: Several trends have changed the landscape, including cloud, microservices, and containers. Modern IT becomes modular and flexible. An agile DNA is also needed for applications to match this level of granularity and agility. Then DevOps becomes very useful for CIOs. They can now think of new ways to empower their businesses to create smooth, fast customer experiences.

No flab: By eliminating the big divide between developers and operations, CIOs can save a lot of time, costs, and resources. Project creep will be a thing of the past. Due to the innate strengths of DevOps processes — iterative and incremental development — scope creeps and time spillover can be stopped at a moment’s notice. A significant and sustainable solution to IT budget and cost-center issues is found here. Consequently, IT becomes a value-creating function and a profit center. CIO hats help to shift the traditional image of the IT department and build a new brand within it.

Business continuity and resilience: DevOps can be used by CIOs to strengthen their security posture. As a result, they are able to respond more quickly to attacks and risks. Application flexibility and agility allow the application to withstand any attack and quickly go back to default without too much hassle. Consequently, Cyber Attacks become a thing of the past. By integrating security throughout the development cycle, DevSecOps contributes to this strength.

Innovation: The creation of innovative services and ideas can be done without too much delay or risk. IT’s role becomes one of a revenue center, removing its status as a cost center. Through seamless integration of customer insights, applications can be rolled out quickly and revised on the fly. Taking on new technologies before competitors allows a CIO to be creative and innovative.

